
50 years of the Lepramis Mission - Hungary

On 13 October we held the 50th "birthday celebration" of our mission, where we were joined by our former and current staff, officers, supporters, interested people, the Director General of the International Lepramis Mission and his wife, representatives of the local churches. Thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way over half a century to curing our patients and achieving a leprosy-free world!

Photos of the ceremony here you can view.


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We cordially invite our Colleagues, Supporters and Interested Parties to our Mission Event on 22 February 2025.


World Leprosy Day

26.01.2025 - The last Sunday in January each year, "World Leprosy Day", is a time of hope for our patients.


Charity concert

We welcome our colleagues, supporters and all those interested to what promises to be a very nice evening.
