You wrote it!

In 2014, the year of the 40th anniversary of Lepramism - Hungary, we called on our supporters to write to us: why do you support Lepramism?

We received a very large number of very valuable contributions, for which we were and are very grateful. Through them we can learn about so many motivations and vocations.

Click on the name of the place to read the entries.

Baja, Baracska, Bazsi, Békéscsaba, Budapest-1, Budapest-2, Budapest-3, Budapest-4, Budapest-5, Budapest-6, Budapest-7, Budapest-8, Budapest-9, Budapest-10, Budapest-11, Csákvár, Csetény, Csurgó, Debrecen-1, Debrecen-2, Debrecen-3, Encs, Esztergom-1, Esztergom-2, Fertőszéplak, Fonyód, Gönc, Gyula, Hajdúböszörmény-1, Hajdúböszörmény-2, Hajdúhadháza, Harkány, Hódmezővásárhely, Kecskemét, Kerepes, KőrösnagyharsányKőszeg, Kunszentmárton, Lovasberény, Mende, Nyírbátor, Nyíregyháza, Őrbottyán, Pápa, Ráckeve, Sárbogárd, Corners, Soltvadkert, Sopron, Szamosszeg, Szekszárd-1, Szekszárd-2, Nice pile, Tápiószőlős, Veszprém, Zsadány.

We hope: you will write to us and tell us why you support the Lepramis Mission! We look forward to receiving your letter!