

The Presidency of the International Lepramissi Union held its meeting in Budapest between 7 and 11 April 2014 at the Benczúr Hotel. The 31-nation world body holds its biannual meetings in a different member country. This is the first time that Hungary has hosted such a prestigious leprosy mission event. It is particularly gratifying that this took place in the 140th year of the history of the International Lepramism Union, the 40th year of the Hungarian Lepramism Union! Almost without exception, the members of the Presidency were visiting Hungary and Eastern Europe for the first time. They were very pleased with the location and with what they saw and heard. We are proud that they are spreading the good news of our mission and our country all over the world!

Members of the International Leprosy Federation Board (from left to right): 1st row: Dr Nalini Abraham (India), Gladstone Worthington (England), Linda Todd (Scotland), Brent Morgan (New Zealand), Dr Susan Maiawa (New Zealand), Ashok Adhikari (Nepal), Ken Martin International President (Australia), Pamela Packett (Australia)

Row 2: Dr Malcolm Seath (Canada), Allan Ekstedt (Sweden), Paul Emans (Netherlands), Alan Gray (England), Dr Shem Nuhu (Nigeria), Geoff Warne CEO (New Zealand), Dr Sunday Udo (Nigeria), Dr Zaw Moe Aung (Myanmar), Dr Arie de Kruijff (Mozambique), Colin Osborne (England)

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World Leprosy Day

26.01.2025 - The last Sunday in January each year, "World Leprosy Day", is a time of hope for our patients.


Charity concert

We welcome our colleagues, supporters and all those interested to what promises to be a very nice evening.
