


We cordially invite and welcome our colleagues, supporters and all those who are interested to the spring show morning of the Lepramissiio,

by  On Saturday 13 May 2017, from 10 a.m. to about 2 p.m.

a Bp. XII. at Ignotus u.9.

In the Auditorium of the Roman Catholic Parish Building in Városmajori

(this is not the church, but a nice residential building with a garden!)

Thank you for the excellent location!

The focus of the programme is on persecuted Christians, including those served by the Lepramis Mission:

Short Bible explanation

Christian persecution today - Gerhardt Fanni

The life of the martyred missionary Mária Molnár - Dr. Margit Müllnerné Szabó

Quiz - led by Éva Sepsi

Presentation about the work of the Lepramissiio - Riskóné Fazekas Márta

News, poems, songs.

Everyone is welcome! Invite others to join us so that more people can get to know our work!

After the show, we can meet and talk over sandwiches and refreshments.

Getting there: it is a short walk from the Széll Kálmán Square stop of metro line 2: from the Csaba Street exit of the metro opposite the square, take the outdoor escalator /or smooth stairs/ up to Csaba Street. Going down, first cross the big crosswalk, then immediately right across the other crosswalk. After the building at 3 Csaba u., turn right at the small florist's shop into Ignotus street, overlooking the church park.

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Silent Wonders

We welcome our colleagues, supporters and all those interested to what promises to be a very nice evening.


Father Damien

Today marks the 135th anniversary of the death of Father Damien, a Belgian-born Roman Catholic priest and missionary who died of leprosy on Molokai Island, Hawaii.



May God bless our great leprosy missionary in charge, Aunt Irénke Károlyné Szlukovinyi, who recently celebrated her 92nd birthday.



We welcome our Supporters, Staff and Interested Parties living in and around Balatonalmádi to our event on 2 March 2024 at 10:00 am.
