

From idea to implementation

One Sunday afternoon before 3 pm at the Radnóti street stop in Újjszeged, a large number of people got off the bus. But they also came by car, by bicycle, and those living nearby and belonging to the parish of St. Elisabeth of Árpádháza also came on foot.
In the Church of Blessed Mother Teresa in Calcutta, we awaited with interest and curiosity the projection presentation of Márta Fazekas, Director of the Lepramissiio, about the healing activities of the Lepramissiion.
Back in November 2015, Dr. Attila Thorday, the parish priest, invited the director.
During my visits in the summer and autumn of 2015, I took the Lepramism Mission leaflets to Protestant and Catholic congregations with which I had already had direct contact during previous ministries and church events.
When the date of the presentation was already certain, I contacted the leaders and contact persons of 4 Reformed, then Evangelical, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Calvary and 2 Catholic parishes via the Internet and asked for their help in organizing the event, so that we could be as many Lepramissiion workers as possible.
In the first week of January, the poster invitations arrived and were distributed in the churches, and the occasion was also announced in churches everywhere. I myself, wherever I went in town, asked for the opportunity to display the posters. Thus I managed to put it up in private pharmacies, bookshops, the New Clinic, kindergartens, medical supply shops, etc., and to distribute it to the members of the ecumenical choir, with a description of how to reach them.
I have informed the congregations about this in a new circular, so that they do not have to find out individually about the possibilities of transport on Saturday.
We were delighted that some people who had only found out about the event through the flyer came. We were also pleased that two sisters, who had been connected with the Lepramissiion for a long time, had put together beautiful and impressive tables from pictures of older calendars.
Thank God that the blessed activity of the Lepramissiion has now become more widely known in Szeged and more people have realised our responsibility and the importance of this branch of the mission.
Dr Ervin Kiss
leprosy worker, Szeged

We would like to thank Dr. Erviné Kiss and the leprosy staff of Szeged for their faithful service! Thank you for keeping the Lepramissios cause alive in your communities and for organizing the event!

We ask as many people and places as possible in the country to follow their example!

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Father Damien

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We welcome our Supporters, Staff and Interested Parties living in and around Balatonalmádi to our event on 2 March 2024 at 10:00 am.
