
The story of Hussaini

From sick to healer.

Hussaini's story is one of resilience and hope. He was diagnosed with leprosy when he was just one year old. She faced rejection, ineffective treatments and the tragic loss of her children. Despite the challenges, Hussaini persevered.

Now, at the age of 68, he works tirelessly at his community leprosy clinic, dressing and treating ulcers. The training she received through the Lepramisseio has equipped her with the skills and knowledge to become a respected health care provider in her community.

Hussaini's life story is proof of the life-changing impact of our work. It's not just about medication; it's about empowering people like Hussaini to become agents of change within their communities. His dedication and passion is inspiring, reminding us that hope and healing are possible even in the face of adversity.

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