How can your company help?

Help us to help you!

We are not all lucky enough to have health, to have jobs, to send our children to school, to travel freely. But with a little help, we can change the lives of our unfortunate fellow human beings: so that their children can go to school, their parents can go to work, can walk on their own two feet, and take control of their lives, both figuratively and concretely!

Thanks to a generous donation from a fellow countryman, we were able to equip an entire ward of the Premananda leprosy hospital in Calcutta with modern machines. Even if not many people can afford this much, we can go a long way with a lot of small help.

What can you and your company do?

Organise a collection among your employees to help children and adults affected by leprosy, e.g. up to the price of their daily coffee (300 HUF) and if you can, contribute the same.
All from 10.000 Ft-a leprosy patient can get a pair of special rubber shoes to protect their diseased feet!

Donate to help the patients in our hospital in Calcutta:
8.000 Ft needed for a moderately infected patient to make a full recovery.

Offer a hand surgery!
40.000 Ft-a patient can have both hands operated on, and their crooked fingers straightened and made usable again.

Donate a well to a municipality!
400.000 Ft-donate a well to a community in Congo to provide thousands of people with healthy, clean drinking water.

You can also help leprosy patients in India by contributing to our activities here, e.g. by advertising on a media platform related to our mission.

We can issue tax base reduction certificates for companies.

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