

At the general assembly of Lepramism - Hungary at the end of January, elections were also held. The seat of the current Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Andrea Bartha, became vacant as she had already completed the maximum term of her eligibility.

It is with joy and gratitude that we announce that László Bódis, Baptist pastor, has been elected President of our Mission for the period until the end of January 2023.

László Bódis was born in Oradea, in Partium (in the Sebes-Körös valley), in the village of Pusztaújlak, where he was raised with his only sister. He started his elementary schooling here and continued his education in Mezőtelegd, Arad and then in Nagyvárad, where he graduated from high school. He worked as a woodworker (carpenter, woodcarving, woodwork technician, restorer), creating works of art, while he also began theological studies. He completed his higher education in Oradea, Budapest (BTA), Eger and Austria.

From childhood, as a multigenerational, living Baptist child of faith, he knew the Bible and his redeeming Lord, Jesus Christ. In his youth he received Him by faith as Lord of his life forever. Thus he has carried out his civil and church ministry with a missionary spirit to this day.

In 1992 he became a full-time pastor in Kisvárda. He then served as a pastor in Békés County, in Bakony. Today, as a retired pastor, he works and substitutes in church, social and educational areas. He and his wife Piroska were married in 1974 and the Lord gave them three children and later five grandchildren.

During his five years as a member of the Board of Trustees, László Bódis has demonstrated faithful and sacrificial service to the Lepramissiio - also in Hungary. We are grateful to God for his wisdom, his willingness, his serene and peaceful personality.

We also ask God's blessing on your life and your new ministry!

Ms Márta Fazekas Riskón

Director of Lepramism - Hungary

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