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Our spring staff day 2023

Our spring staff day on June 3, 2023, which was held in the church of the Reformed Congregation of Bp-Turkőr, was also joyful, cheerful and dedicated.

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The story of Armando

Armando from Mozambique is 59 years old. He lost his wife and three children to an epidemic in 2010. He was devastated by his grief and fell into a deep depression.

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For our Spring Mission Day and the Lepramissiio - Hungary short general assembly on Saturday, 3 June 2023 at 10 am at the church of the Reformed Congregation of Bp-Törökőr.

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A cry from the destruction

The Director of the Myanmar Leprosy Mission has reached out to all leprosy member countries, including us, for help. They ask and hope that we can contribute to the recovery from the terrible devastation.

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History of Vasutha

KKM (the partner organisation of the Lepramism Mission in Sri Lanka) helped us spiritually, emotionally and in many other ways.

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The story of Sita in Nepal

Sita is 24 years old. She was diagnosed with leprosy four years ago. She has struggled to get proper care because there is no hospital or treatment in her hometown.

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The story of Maria

Maria is a member of the Mozambique Leprosy Commission and President of ALEMO (Association of recovered leprosy patients). Her contribution is invaluable.

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Sudha's story

Sudha is one of our "leprosy champions" in India. Thanks to her persistent efforts, 15 families received food cards and 4 widows received widow's allowances.

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World Leprosy Day

29.01.2023 - The last Sunday in January each year, "World Leprosy Day", is a time of hope for our patients. They look to us to represent them worldwide

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