
Among children

It is a special joy when we can present the activities of the Lepramissiion among young people and children, because sensitizing them to mercy, compassion and sacrifice is one of the most important parts of their education! In the last 2 weeks, the leader of the Lepramism Mission has been able to give a presentation about children with leprosy to more than 200 school children and their teachers.
at the Mészöly Gedeon Reformed Primary School in Tabajdi and the Ferenc Rákóczi II Primary School in Tiszabec. We thank the principals of the two schools for this opportunity: Anna Hufnágel and Péter Borbély, the organizers Orsolya Hős and Csaba Dajka, the Reformed pastors and the staff of the two schools! We ask God's blessing for their further educational work and for the children entrusted to them!

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Silent Wonders

We welcome our colleagues, supporters and all those interested to what promises to be a very nice evening.


Father Damien

Today marks the 135th anniversary of the death of Father Damien, a Belgian-born Roman Catholic priest and missionary who died of leprosy on Molokai Island, Hawaii.



May God bless our great leprosy missionary in charge, Aunt Irénke Károlyné Szlukovinyi, who recently celebrated her 92nd birthday.



We welcome our Supporters, Staff and Interested Parties living in and around Balatonalmádi to our event on 2 March 2024 at 10:00 am.
