the central celebration of World Leprosy Day:
Sunday, 25 January 2015 at 4 pm.
The location is the church of the Evangelical Congregation of Zugló (Bp. XIV. Lőcsei u.32.) Thank you!
Access: from Keleti pu. by bus no. 7, 107, from Örs vezér tér by tram no. 3, 62 to Bosnyák tér.
You can reach the church, whose spire can be seen from the square, by walking across Bosnyak Square or through the small park next to the Roman Catholic church.
In this programme, we present a film compilation of the leprosy mission in Shahdara (India), which we have been supporting for years.
activities in the hospital and its five slums.
A short general assembly will also be held, during which the report for 2014 will be presented.
Everyone is welcome! Please invite others to come and get to know more about our ministry!