
Reason to be happy!

In September 2019, the Madhya Pradesh State Assembly of India passed a law proposed by the State Health Department. Under this law, former leprosy patients or their children and relatives will no longer be excluded from education and college placement. They will also be able to visit libraries and borrow books. It is also prohibited to discriminate against them.

This is a very encouraging development!

However, the 104 laws or provisions in India's Constitution that discriminate against leprosy patients remain in force!

There is still a lot to do and a long fight ahead!

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Charity concert

We welcome our colleagues, supporters and all those interested to what promises to be a very nice evening.



You are cordially invited to the 50th anniversary of the Lepramism - Hungary ministry, a celebration of thanksgiving and joy.


Charity concert

The first day of the Enying Török Bálint Days was a charity concert for the Lepramisszio - Hungary.
