
2016 advent

"There was a rich man who dressed in purple and lace and gave a lavish feast every day. And there was a man named Lazarusű a beggar who is lying thereüdt the rich előfull of sores, and wished he could live well on the crumbs that fell from his rich table, but only the dogs licked his wounds."

(Luke 16:19-21)


"If you regret that you cannot help the suffering of all humanity,

help one man!" (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)




Dear Supporters!


I am grateful that many of our supporters' families take it for granted that they put one more place setting on their table at Christmas, as if there were a leper sitting there!

Thank you for your kindness and love!


This year we respectfully ask you to:

symbolically welcome someone in need into your home, your love, your table! I ask you to think especially of the leprosy-stricken young girls and boys in China's Dicsing province who, thanks to your donations, have been able to go to school, study and prepare for a happy life for 6 years now! Just one... please invite me for Christmas! You will be very grateful!


God bless our dear Supporters!

With sincere respect and thanks:

2016 Advent



                                                                       Ms Márta Fazekas Riskón



Lepramisszió, 1151 Budapest, Alag u. 3.

website: www.https://www.lepramisszio.hu

email: info@https://www.lepramisszio.hu

Telephone: 30 - 638 4736

Tax number: 18184747-1-42

Bankszámlaszám: 11702036-20705549

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